Made a GriefPB for my Fury/Rabies wolf and got a decent roll. Now what's bugging me is whether the Venom affects my Rabies skill? Got a little confused with the whole 0.4 sec cap. Is that only for poison dmg from items or skills too, like rabies?
In either case the weapon is just . I'm starting to love runewords more and more.|||Venom's 0.4 second (10 frame) poison length only overrides the poison lengths of items. However, it's a separate and therefore competing source of poison to Rabies, so when you bite the first target either Venom or Rabies poison damage and length will be applied, not both (although Rabies will spread and apply its poison damage and length to other targets as usual).
Most likely Venom will have the highest damage rate (poison damage per frame or second) and be applied to targets instead of Rabies. However, once Venom's length expires Rabies can be applied by the contagion (Rabies spreads by periodically firing invisible missiles in random directions, some of which hit the host) and apply its poison damage for its remaining length.
This isn't always the case, though: with 20 points in Poison Creeper and no poison damage items or +% Poison Skill Damage, level >30 Rabies always applies a higher rate than level 15 Venom; with +25% PSD from Trang-Oul's Claws Heavy Bracers, level >34 always applies a higher rate.|||Thanks for the explanation. Seems like Rabies is very harmonious with Venom until it gets higher than 30.
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