Hi all,
I'm using a method Orphan posted to run two copies of D2 on a single computer with fast user switching, so no loaders or anything "illegal" like that. After doing some quick testing, I found that by simply having a mule in town, you don't seem to earn more experience than you would playing by yourself, and afterwards read that that is not how exp sharing works, so my question is really more about MFing or garnering bigger drops by having a mule camp. Can you actually gain the bigger drops by having a mule in your party camp, like you would if someone was playing right alongside you, or is it like experience sharing where the person needs to be close to your level and in the same area to gain said bonuses?
Also, if someone CAN clarify that you do indeed earn a little bit of an exp bonus (even if it is miniscule) by having a level 1 mule camp in town, please clear this up for me.|||Quote:
Hi all,
I'm using a method Orphan posted to run two copies of D2 on a single computer with fast user switching, so no loaders or anything "illegal" like that. After doing some quick testing, I found that by simply having a mule in town, you don't seem to earn more experience than you would playing by yourself, and afterwards read that that is not how exp sharing works, so my question is really more about MFing or garnering bigger drops by having a mule camp. Can you actually gain the bigger drops by having a mule in your party camp, like you would if someone was playing right alongside you, or is it like experience sharing where the person needs to be close to your level and in the same area to gain said bonuses?
Also, if someone CAN clarify that you do indeed earn a little bit of an exp bonus (even if it is miniscule) by having a level 1 mule camp in town, please clear this up for me.
You do get the more experience from the mule in town, but the drop chances do not change for only one mule in town you need even numbers of mules in town, then it only counts as one player that is within two screens of you, see below.
The fast user switching is more used for running for hell forge and rushing mules so that they can easier change items without having to go to Normal mode, iirc.
Are you on single player or b.net? If you are on single player look here for a good legal in game code:http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Players_x
From the Item Generation Tutorial:
Drops, however, are not the same. When you kill a monster in a multiplayer game, the game calculates a number to use as the nodrop exponent. This is not simply N.
It counts 1 for you, the killing player.
It counts 1 more for each player that is (a) partied with you and (b) within two screens of you.
It counts 0.5 for each other player, either unpartied or far away.
It rounds the final total down.
From the wiki on experience:
The total experience earned for killing a monster is increased by 35% when a party member of the killer is in the same named area, defined as the "level" on the Automap. Further divisions get complicated. To quote the game designers:
The total experience earned for killing a monster is divided evenly among all party members. Each member's share of the experience is equal to the member's level divided by the sum of all members' levels. This Experience Share is then multiplied by another percentage, calculated on a sliding scale that is based on the difference between your character's level and the monster's level, regardless of whether you are in a party or not. The sliding scale only applies if the difference is between 5 and 10 levels. With a small difference (5 levels or less), you receive 100% of your Experience Share. With a large difference (10 levels or more), you will receive 5% of your Experience Share. As a result, high-level characters receive only a small amount of experience for killing low-level monsters. Similarly, low-level characters only get a small amount of experience for killing high-level monsters. This is so that a low-level character running in a high-level party won't receive ridiculous amounts of experience fighting high-level monsters that only his party-mates can destroy. Finally, only those party members within 2 screens of the monster death receive experience.|||I'm on bnet, so the players x code doesn't do much for me. Thanks though.
So basically, you're saying that I'd have to have two mules, partied or not, sitting in town in order to get better drops, since each would only count as 0.5 players? Interesting stuff. Thanks for the input!
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