i'm running nihlatak with my summoner, doing full clears in halls of pain, and i'm finding a big load of crappy grand charms. Should these be kept for rerolling purposes? I mean, i believe halls of pain is a level 84 area, most charms i'm finding would have 84 as an itemlevel too; but they are not baal/dia/nihla gc's, and they are neither midlevel gc's strictly for skiller rolling.
Is there any purpose for these things? I could fill a mule or two a day with what I'm finding now.|||sell them to charsi
keep only the nih/dia/baal ones for rerolling skill with 40+life
there are better ones for rolling skillers
(ones from nm late act3 have higher odds for skills)|||Allright, exactly what I thought but thank you for confirming it. Saves me alot of space I guess!|||Well you could always use a TC87 charm... It's not like you are going to get a 40+lifer in a little while.
Ps. I love your avatar

As soon as you have a GC like that, use that one for rerolling. If you roll up anything with 41 or more life, it's a proof that it really is a Baal GC (which increases their sale value, in case you have too many of them), so continue with rerolling others if you have them.|||okay lol what I meant with tc87 was Ilv87 xD|||You actually need an ilvl of 91 or higher for the 41+ life affix

The hard part is to preserve your sanity while spending +1000 pgms in rerolling them.
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