Friday, April 13, 2012

Can you turn Lobby Music off?

[:1]It is rediculously loud, and I do not know how to turn it off.

Is there a way?|||Press Ctrl + M

It works for the duration you have Diablo 2 running. I'd like to add a question. Do anyone know how to permanently disablo lobby sound?|||Quote:

Do anyone know how to permanently disablo lobby sound?

Other than the -nosound (-ns) command line option, no. That option mutes all diablo sounds though.|||you should only have to hit ctrl+m once

it should remember it was off

if not make sure you logged in as an administrator|||I've been wondering about this. Thanks.|||Often the music will get turned back on when typing an 'm' anywhere (account name, game name, chat, etc.), so the fix isn't exactly permanent.|||It never turned back on for me, but hell... it took me like 1 year of playing on bnet before i found out there's a command for it :P|||Only 1 year, I just found out now. I think its been 4 years for me|||Heh, I found it out all by myself, by mistake, while experimenting in the lobby those Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V(paste) etc combos. Panic followed, because I was sure I ruined my D2 game forever. Then some helpful soul teached me the correct keys/combos, in time to permanently disable all the game music, this time all intentionally :)|||1 year? 4 years? hell man im seeing this whole thread now. its been 6 or 7 for me until i found this command......

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