Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coming back to D2, unanswered questions.

[:1]Hi all, Id like to introduce myself. I have played D2 off and on for several years, all on US East NonLadder. I have lurked here for a little while since deciding to start D2 back up, I have ordered it from amazon, just waiting for my LoD cdkey to come in :shakefist:. I tend to write long posts that are over worded so if you can, bear with me... if not I am sorry.

Mostly I have played the Druid, I dont know why... maybe it is because it seems slightly underpowered, maybe it is because there arent that many around, whatever it is im straying from my past and maybe restarting with a Pally or Barb first for MF. Regardless, I have made several 90+ druids capable of soloing 8player hell. So I know my way around PLAYING D2 I just dont really know that much about formulas and certain stats.

Ive seen a lot of uproar about the stats: FCR, FHR, and IAS. To my knowledge I utilized little to none of these and didnt really 'notice'. Thats not to say I didnt die because I didnt have them, I just didnt know why I was dying. And whats up with max block, or lack there-of?

Also, I have never played ladder. For some reason whenever I created a character I just unclicked the ladder box. Is there any advantage of playing ladder besides a more fair economy(pricier more like it), better? items(runewords, do any other godly items only drop in Ladder?). Are there any other challenges or benefits of Ladder? Like different monster formula or something?

Thanks for any and all info, I hope to see some of yall on USeast ladder when(if) my LOD comes hah.|||Mostly the advantage to ladder is increased rune drop rates and the availability of nice runewords. Not just high level runewords, easily accessible runewords like spirit and insight are amazing and anybody can make them.

FCR, FHR, IAS, read:

Max block is important on melee characters that use a shield. Some casters go max block too, but melee shield users (especially pallys) always go for max block. It's a 75% chance to avoid any physical attack (at the cost of a short blocking animation). A paladin with holy shield can max block without much dex investment, and has a very fast blocking animation, making it a no-brainer.

Obviously you should play whatever class floats your boat. When you decide for sure check out the class forums here and some of the stickied build guides (at least, those for which the link isn't broken). Make sure to check in the guide whether it is a build that requires certain gear or it works with any gear, since you won't have access to much on your first character.|||Great site, explains all the breakpoints in an easy to read table. Thanks again.

One more thing that has always bothered me, what is the deal with the special avatars at the bottom of the lobby in D2? Are the people with izual, starcraft toons, etc moderators?|||I believe this will help.

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