Monday, April 16, 2012

Farming Bosses

Hey guys,

I've got the simpliest quiestion. How do one kills bosses (andariel etc...) multiple times? I play single and killed them once and they are dead...

Any help will be greatly appreciated as farming is key to this game...|||Save and Exit, then start another game, they will be alive again|||Thx a lot!

The last question I have is that I'm quite afraid of re-speccin' how many times can I reset?|||once per difficulty, and after that you can indefinetly use tokens to respec.|||What are those tokens and how to obtain them? I play single.|||In hell difficulty, the Act bosses drop them.

Andy and Duriel drop the same one.

Then there is one for each of the other 3 act bosses, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal.

Once you get all 4 you cube them to get a token of absolution, which is the same thing as the quest reward respec.

The tokens work in SP. However, there are a few things that do not work in SP. These include Uber Tristram and the others like Lilith. Pandemonium Diablo also will not spawn in SP so the two specific charms, Hellfire torch and Annihilus will NOT appear in SP. Gheed's Charm will drop in SP.

In order to get the ladder runewords you will have to install the RWM, linked here:|||Do the act bosses guaranteed drop their essence? Planning to get together some tokens and wanted to gauge a rough time investment.|||No, I think it has the probability of 1/12 or 1/13 or something close to that.|||Ouch guess that's why people trade for them thanks for the info|||If you are farming act bosses, you will find far more essences than you need. I stopped picking them up after I had 5 from each boss I'm visiting and I haven't ever used a single token. Maybe you can trade a token for Pul on ladder, but it's not easy to get them sold, as people have 3 respecs as quest rewards which is enough in nearly all cases.

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