Monday, April 16, 2012

Added dmg?

Ok i'm not really new to the game, but on the stats on equip, maybe

Had a few questions on damage added to items. I know this is all physical dmg but how do the numbers work?

- war travs - add 15-25 dmg. what does this add to dmg though?

- fortitude is 300% enhanced dmg

- laying of hands 350 enhanced dmg to demons

So if I do 1000 phy dmg, whats the end figure for each of these items?

Thanks|||1. Take total weapon damage

2. Add +min/max/dmg of any source appropriately (bonuses from the weapon are already included in 1.)

3. Multiply with off-weapon %ed (str/dex, skills, auras, equipment)

%ed to demons/undead is added to off-weapon %ed, even if it comes from a weapon. If on a weapon, it's only applied to that weapon.|||Ok thanks krischan.

So war travs 15-25 dmg is part of the min/max/dmg calculation, then if I got forti, that ed gets multiplied the off weapon ed?

Btw, what does 300ed on the forti mean? dmg added or multiplied by what figure?|||Quote:

Ok thanks krischan.

So war travs 15-25 dmg is part of the min/max/dmg calculation, then if I got forti, that ed gets multiplied the off weapon ed?



Btw, what does 300ed on the forti mean? dmg added or multiplied by what figure?

All off-weapon %ed is added up before applying it in step 3.|||Hi MarShenk,

Just to add to krischan's response, to calculate out how much damage you do just based on weapon damage, +min/max damage, off weapon damage the calculation is something like this:

((On weapon damage + Min/Max Damage)*(Total off weapon ed))

So lets assume your weapon has a 100-125 damage and your using war travs, fort, and laying of hands:

Versus standard monster:

Minimum Dmg: (100 +15) * (1 + 3) = 115 * 4 = 460

Maximum Dmg: (125 + 25) * (1 + 3) = 150 * 4 = 600

Versus demon:

Minimum Dmg: (100 +15) * (1 + 3 + 3.5) = 115 * 7.5 = 862.5

Maximum Dmg: (125 + 25) * (1 + 3 + 3.5) = 150 * 7.5 = 1125

This is a very very rough calculation and does not take into effect your characters stat points, skills, equipment, auras, charms, and any other modifiers you may have on your weapon or otherwise.

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