Friday, April 13, 2012

life leech question

[:1]I'm a fury druid which means I depend a lot on health and life leech and was wondering why when I get cursed (from a unique) get almost pulzerised every time?|||Being cursed does not affect life leech at all. Being cursed simply doubles the physical damage you receive. So if you wanted to keep up with damage you are receiving you would have to double your leech, or just get hit less while cursed, or use more potions.|||I have found that while being a fury druid, keeping feral rage active helps a lot in the life leeching field. I usually have fury on left click and feral rage on right. Even with one point in it and all the plus skills it ends up adding at least 60%+ life leach when its fully active, pretty much makes you an unstoppable force with the constant striking of fury.|||Like Pyro said, Fury/Feral Rage are a great combination for survivability. It's really nice even without massive amounts of skill gear to have at least one point in Feral Rage because it's an additional 12% Life Leech at maximum. Dracul's Grasp only gives 10% life steal if you find one with max. Potentially you could get by with Feral Rage and no Life Steal/Leech gear.|||Hi

This is just a wild guess but how is your fhr? If you take a hit that is like 1/12 of your total hitpoints your char will go in2 hit recovery animation.

So *maybe* when your cursed the dbl damage is then high enough to send your wolfie in2 hit recovery more often than an ordinary hits when he isnt cursed. And more time spent in hit recovery means less time hitting back//leeching back life.

Also -- again just guessing I *think* things like crushing blow and deadly strike also do dbl damage when you have amp hair. So if youre taking hits from monsters-- especially from a boss pack which tend to hit harder anyways-- that can get a chance at those bonuses while cursed that might be doing it as well.


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