Monday, April 16, 2012

retrieving cd key

hi guys, was just wondering. i installed my copy of diablo in 2008, and has since lost the cd keys. but is it possible to extract the cd keys from my installed files cause... somehow it feels possible.

im not tech savvy, but probably whenever i go onto bnet i have to go through a cd-key verification and my cd-key is probably stored somewhere in my installed files.

or am i to be dissapointed?|||I believe it's stored in your registry.

Wait till someone who remembers exactly where comes and posts, for you do not want to go and poke around in registry without a clue.|||I'm actually be curious if this possible also.|||The key is not in the registry. It will be merged into the game files upon installation after you entered it. Retrieving it needs a hack and I would be careful with that... you might run into malware when looking for that kind of program. BTW, promoting the use of hacks is not allowed here.

However, you can install the game on other computers simply be copying the whole D2 directory from the old to the new one and without bothering about the registry. You will just have to create the desktop icons etc. by hand and re-run the graphics test. Maybe that already solves your problem.|||im not sure, but im told that there's this program where i can play mutliple copies of diablo 2 simultaneously, but i have to enter the cd keys into it. so right now im missing one LOD cd key. ;/|||Whatever it is then, Its not supported here. However, you can play with the aid of sandboxie (a sandbox software) or windows fast user switching. This however, requires two different installations (just rename the first installation folder). There IS a sticky regarding this tho.

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