Friday, April 13, 2012

strange anegdote

[:1]Hi everyone, I'm not really a newcomer in the full meaning of the word since I created my account over a year and a half ago. The reason I did it was to post my Sur rune drop in LK, and 10 minutes after I got another one. It was a big surprise for me since I was still at 1.12 and this was my highest HR after Vex.

I played 1.12 a lot and switched to 1.13 at the beginning of the summer last year after a 2 years pause. Since then I've played quite a lot and made very strong (mostly cookiecutter) chars but about a couple of weeks ago I decided to start over from zero.

Oh, and the strange thing is that today I also got 2 Sur runes in 10 minutes from LK. Is this or what. |||Pretty crazy, even with the better rune drops in 1.13 that is good. Welcome back!

And feel free to introduce yourself over in the single player forum as well.

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