Thursday, April 12, 2012

the usual newcomer question thread

[:1]Short intro: used to play before LoD came out, came back about 4 weeks ago.

So I wanna start playing again after the ladder reset, but I have a few questions. This seems to be the best diablo 2 forum as far as community goes so that's why I'm posting here. If any of you know of other friendly diablo forums please point me in that direction.

1. I'm not a hardcore gamer so I'm not looking to compete for first to 99 or anything like that, but will bots be a big problem at the start of the ladder? Right now there are numerous bot-baal-24 runs and its just... disappointing to see.

2. What kind of clans still exist? I'm really just looking for a friendly and drama free casual one

Thanks in advance for any answers or help|||Quote:

Short intro: used to play before LoD came out, came back about 4 weeks ago.

So I wanna start playing again after the ladder reset, but I have a few questions. This seems to be the best diablo 2 forum as far as community goes so that's why I'm posting here. If any of you know of other friendly diablo forums please point me in that direction.

1. I'm not a hardcore gamer so I'm not looking to compete for first to 99 or anything like that, but will bots be a big problem at the start of the ladder? Right now there are numerous bot-baal-24 runs and its just... disappointing to see.

2. What kind of clans still exist? I'm really just looking for a friendly and drama free casual one

Thanks in advance for any answers or help

From my experience I have seen people running bots purely for the "help others" or "personal mf" reasons. Unless bots are running in personal games all the way up to 99 you won't see them much. Bots have been running very rampant across bnet until back when I can remember. They are just more common now.

Clans...I haven't seen many clans, but that doesn't exist. You'll likely have more like just finding casual people here on the forums. The game is simply too old with too outdated of methods to utilize a thriving community against other large MMOs. There are enough people running around but definitely not the social curve in games if that is primarily what you are looking for.

I personally have chosen to run on the EU side...a get about 30-50 more ping but there appears to be games up pretty consistently. I also play hardcore ladder for the s and gs I don't like the idea of not losing anything if I die but that is a personal reason.

Anywho you can catch me online or find someone else to run around in sc with you. Just post an introductory thread in the forums.|||yes, bots are a huge problem and will continue to be. If you want to avoid bot games the best way I know of is to use the player matchup thread here to get runs going instead (or play single player and use players 8).

I personally just don't level my characters past 90 (unless it just sort of happens naturally). Bot games are no fun, and it's too much effort to organize runs with real people, so I just stop. Most character builds are pretty much done by 90 anyway.|||If u are on USEast there are 2 clans that i know if, but they use bots for there runs and then other clan or non clan members can join

Clan Ant and Clan Auth

Clan Ant has the best baal runs on the East Relem|||Hi.

Could anyone help me kill Diablo that just appeared instead of Infector of Souls ? WW doesn't put a dent in it and it has an aura of bombs. If I can't kill this Diablo, the other Diablo won't show up.

He's the last mob in the sanctuary.


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