Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fade & Physical resist

[:1]Does anyone know if the physical resist increase is linear?

From Arreat Summit (, I see that if you put up to 20 points to it, you get +1% Physical Resist for each level..

Is the increase still linear for points beyond 20? Ie, do you get 30% Physical resist if you have 30 points invested?|||yes, the increase is linear

source:|||According to a reputable German Skill Calculator it is 1% per skill point after 20 as well.

Noodle or Krischan if I am not allowed to link to it please remove the link.

Fast work copran. Guess I should not have added the last part.|||lol, at first i didn't want to answer because it seemed like someone else would get to this question pretty fast|||Is the website correct?

I put +30 to all Skills, +20 to Fade, +30 from items, it showed me as +80% Physical resistance.

Can anyone confirm? Really appreciate it!

Thank you!|||i don't think you can get that many +skills from charms and items

[edit] hypothetically, if you can get +60 skills from charms and items, AND your fade is level 20, then yes, you will have 80% physical resistance

or do you play single player?|||No, I play on closed (USWest)

Well let me rephrase my question:

Since Arreat Summit says that Physical resistance is capped at 50%, THEN the skills calculator is wrong, because it showed a +80% to physical resistance, which it should not have.

I'm asking because I would like to know if its worthwhile to dump all points into Fade (and get 30-40 Fade). If it's linear increase, I would do it. If it's diminishing returns, I will not.|||Physical resistance is capped at 50%. However, if someone were to cast amplify damage on you which is -100%. You would have -50% physical resistance left. In your case, if you have 80% physical resistance, and someone casted amplify damage on you, you would have -20% physical resistance left.|||I got your point. Thanks.

Still need a few other people to verify it though -- more people verify it the better!

By verifying, I mean "Is the increase in Physical resistance of Fade linear beyond 20 skill points?"|||Quote:

Still need a few other people to verify it though -- more people verify it the better!

By verifying, I mean "Is the increase in Physical resistance of Fade linear beyond 20 skill points?"

lol yes, up to the cap.

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