Friday, April 13, 2012

Couple of noob questions

[:1]Hello guys, i understand the search function on the forum but most are really long post's resulting in me taking hours to find a specfic answer to a question so i wanted to ask here.

I am a new player of diablo 2 LOD and never played the orginal.

My first char i have is a lvl 18 barb, and thats it.

I have no current exp with this game so here go my questions.

-Barb: Is it just me sucking,my gear or is it the class barb that sucks becuase currently in act2, at lvl 18 i have no multi hitting mob skills,my dmg is pretty sucky, i take a lot of dmg and ye are all classes like this at early lvls? Maybe i am playing it wrong or something.

-Stash: I currently picked up some items id like to use for other classes with my barb, how can i trade it to other chars? or cant i do it?

-gems: I have nearly a stash full of these stupid broken gems, what can i do with them since i have no socket items and why are they all broken anyways?

-Items: I have a few yellow named items, are they epic or something? i have a stone barb trident which is yellow named, ive had it for many lvls, is blue item name rare? and i have this orange gem.. orange named? and one Green named sheild which i assume is class specific to me.

-IK.. I keep seeing this abrivation for barbs but for one i dont no what it means and another assuming its gear like ive heard it is where do i obtain it?

-Build: I have currently going for the WW/CON build i found.. but maybe it sucks for lvling early becuase i have like 27 mana and spamming con just uses it all up. I was told not to put any points in mana lol True? Also does this build actually get better

Sorry its long, i am just a new player trying to understand this complex game with so many builds and strats ect.

Thanks for anybody taking time out to answer me.
|||Hi and welcome to the forums.


The problem is that most melee builds rely on their weapon for damage and if you don't happen to find(or trade) a good weapon then your not going to kill that fast. There are of course ways to go around that and if you give us some more information on your items/stats/skills I'm sure someone can help you more.


Are you on single player or multi player? If single then there are programs for that like GoMule(check out the single player forums). If multi, then the safest bet would be to get a friend in the same game and give him the items while you log back with your other char. Otherwise, make a game and wait for about 5 mins, quit and log back with your barb, drop the items on the ground and come back with your other char to pick them up.


Use this cube recipe:

3 Gems of the Same Type and Grade (lower than Perfect) = 1 Higher Grade Gem of the Same Type

Use this formula to upgrade your growing masses of low quality Gems into something more useful.

Once you get perfect gems, those can be used to buy some mid lvl gear(if you are playing in bnet).






Magic and rare items have random stats, set and unique items have same stats every time.


It's the Immortal King set:


I' not familiar with barb builds, but I'm sure somebody else can help you with this. Anyway about energy, it is normally recommended not to put points into it except for specific builds. Although nowdays when you can respec your stats, it isn't such a big deal in early game.

Also, Arreat Summit is your friend.|||Thank you veru much for your detailed reply.

-Barb: I currently have "stone barb trident" wep equiped with my barb, i am assuming from what i read that its a rare item since its yellow so it must be pretty good?

My current stats are:






My normal attack dmg=32-48

And my concentrate dmg=41-63

-Stash: I am currently on single player, i cant use BNet atm, so i am playing single player on my own. Does the quit while dropping an item work in single player aswell? Or shud i just get this gomule which i assume is some addon/mod?

-Gems: I currently cant play BNet but i just picked up a horridic cube from a boss, for a quest so do i use that for my broken gems ect?

-IK: Is their a specific area where this set drops from? or is it all random from bosses for all class specific sets?

Items: So if an item is blue.. its magic right so do only magic class use those items or does it mean it has magic propities like elemental dmg.

Thanks again, you rock at helping out a new player.


Blue items are magic, which just means that they have additional attributes that white (non-magic items) don't have. Yellow items are 'rares', which can be godly or can be awful. A wide range, and simply being rare doesn't make an item valuable. Unique items are tan in color, and again can be tremendous ( like Stormlash or Reaper's Toll) or relatively useless (Rixot's Keen). Set items are green, and you gain additional bonus atributes when you wear several or all pieces of a set. Most aren't end game gear, although they can be veru useful at low or mid levels. Tal Rasha's set is very good for sorceress', for example, and Sigon's Set is excellent for low levels.

I would definitely recommend using GoMule or ATMA. they allow you to make use of unlimited stash space, as well as offering an item probability generator telling you the odds of any specific items dropping in any specific place. Very useful.

More than anything, have fun!

- Noodle|||Thanks noodle, i DL'd gomule but when i open it, its blank. How do i load my chars from diablo2 lod into gomule? i tried the open character but it wont let me select my diablo game folder.


Thanks again!
|||Hm. I'm at work now, so can't check. Is there an option to 'Load D2s file', or something similar? I can check it out when I get home, in about three and a half hours.|||hey thanks noodle but its cool man i found it, all done. Figured out GOmule, its really usefull. cheers|||Some of this questions help me too tnx (Y)|||I'm not sure if you want to start over again, but I have found making characters that rely on skills for damage to be easier when you are either poor on Bnet or playing single player.

A summoning Necro or druid would be easy, but some people get bored letting wolves or skeletons do damage for them. Though you could add some elemental or poison and bone skills to those builds of course to get more involved.

A paladin that uses holy shock and zeal (attacks faster) is the most similar to barb in play style, but holy shock can add a lot of extra damage. Look for either a fast sword with lots of increased attack speed to make the lightning damage hit as often as possible or if you find a scepter that has +1/2/3 to holy shock. ALso he requires very little mana to run.

If mana is a problem for any melee class then you probably just need one source of mana leech and you should regain as much mana as your attack skills use. You can find mana leech on weapons or jewelry at early levels and on circlets and many set/unique items later on.

Having a weapon with high damage and some mana steal on your second weapon slot(press w to switch) would be a good way to regain mana without having to use potions or put points into energy.

Good luck!

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