Monday, April 16, 2012

Enhanced damage jewel

I just put 2 jewels in my 2os CoA. One was Ruby jewel of freedom and other was scintillating jewel. Ruby jewel of freedom has enhanced damage mod. When i socketed my corona with that jewel i assumed i'm gonna get extra 35% of damage but nothing happened. My damage stood still on stat screen.

Does that jewel just enhances base damage of the weapon or i did something wrong. Explanation please!!!|||It will work as off weapon ED%, so it will be added with the 300% from fort, any skill ED%, might from act2 merc, fanaticism, points in strength etc, so 40% won't make much difference if you have a load of off weapon ED% already|||Well, my gear is:

-eBotD zerker

-CoH archon plate

-Exile vortex shield

-Verdungos belt

-Draculs gloves

-CoA corona

-Sandstorm treks boots

-Mara's amulet

-Bul kathos and raven frost rings

With this equipment i have around 2200-7050 zeal damage. I tought that will be raised by 35% when i socket my corona with ruby jewel. I guess there is no point do make Fortitude rw instead of CoH as there wont be much damage enhance right?|||Your paladin probably is a fana-zealot who usually has very big amounts of off-weapon %ed. With the mentioned equipment, a torch, an anni and no skillers, he has the following:

  • 396%ed from L30 zeal and maxed sacrifice

  • 543% from L30 fanaticism

  • 174%ed from strength (a CoA has a str req of 174, so you have at least that much)

  • 310% from L28 might of a nightmare act 2 offensive merc (assuming L90)

That's 1423% off-weapon ed. Another 30% on top of that is irrelevant.

BTW, skill bonuses are not that important for such a character and in a one-hander, even the worst Grief will deal more damage than the best BoTD. I suggest to replace the BK ring and Mara's with e.g. Highlord's and a dual leech ring.|||You are very close krischan. The only thing you missed in your post is that i use act 2 merc but holy freeze. It slows down everyone around and their attacks. Im dealing 2200-7050 damage without might from merc. Thanks for explanation how enhanced damage works.

This means that only improvement i can get in damage is (besides might merc) is Fortitude rw (300% ed). But in that case i loose ressistances.

...And you say that skillers are not mach effective at this types of characters.

To sumarize:

-If i replace CoH armor with Fortitude rw (+300 ed)

-if i remove Mara's and BK ring with your recomendation

-if i replace holly freeze merc with might merc (+300 ed)

will that be good improvement worth of making?

If i do this than only thing to do after is replacing skill charms with ress charms to bring my ress back to max|||BTW, the complete lack of crushing blow equipment suggests that it's a PvP character. In that case you won't need mana leech. In case you have him for PvM, get Goreriders and Guillaume's helm, they will add 50% CB and more, that will probably do a better job at PvM than a CoA+Treks.... and if you already gave up the DR bonus from the CoA, replace Verdungo's with T-God's as well, it will make you basically immune to any lightning from monsters monster if resists are maxed... except you run into a conviction boss, of coures. If your CoA has 2 sockets and not too bad DR, it will probably sell for a nice amount of runes.|||I'm following Cyrus' (I think) guide for fana zealer. Actually i just obtained CoA few days ago and i don't wanna trade it right away couse it does have almost perfect roll. The only thing i could do now from your recomendations is replace trek's with gore's. I'll try with Fortitude rw as well and if that doesn't function i'll just put it in stash and sell it after.

Thnx for this suggestions. They are very usefull for me for future projects

|||Hmm, if a fana-zealot guide recommends BotD instead of Grief, it must be from a time before there was Grief. PvP: Grief BA (greater range), PvM: Grief phase blade (quicker, needs no repair).

Regarding CB: It's all fine for PvP, but not at all for PvM. You can keep Gores, T-God's and Guillaume's in the stash, they don't cost much

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