Friday, April 13, 2012

Hi im new


Just hit 85 in wow and I am bored of it already, looking for something new to do.

Seems like a good community here hope to see ya'll around. |||Well, no one bites at least.|||If you want free stuff PM me in here got full set for perfect mf pally and alot alot alot more .|||thanks proster

i'll getatcha when i get around to reinstalling! |||Hi and welcome. I'm new to community too |||Welcome!

I love you avatar! My favorite beer, and it is brewed about 30 minutes from my house, so there are lots of places around here that keep it on tap.|||Another newbie here - been reading a bunch of threads and ppl here seem very helpful! Hope I can contribute as well |||If u need a rush ... fell free to pm me @ *nozf79 that's what i can offer aTm :P|||a fat tire sounds good right now|||Yep, I just joined as well! Have to say, glad I finally did... I've used these forums to answer many-a-question already, and am sure to find many more answers to other noob'ish questions I'm sure! (Hey, at least I'm asking, right?) =D

Also looking forward to the ability to trade here. I'm officially sick and freaking tired of spending hours upon hours in chat or join-game trying to find a dang Sur rune?!?! Lol, hopefully this site will help me greatly in that aspect. (Whereas with Jsp, I'm always scared I'm getting something that's been duped.) =/

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