Thursday, April 12, 2012

Iron Golem Question

[:1]If you reset your character's stats/skills does your iron golem disappear?|||I have no idea

Im certainly gonna try it in SP later today.. But I doubt it would work though :P|||It will most probably disappear.

If you have iron golem from item charges and nothing else and you unequip that item, the golem will disappear as well.|||it would be awesome if it didn't tho...|||I'm almost 100% sure it will dissapear. Otherwise it would mean free Iron Golem, right? You wouldn't have to spend any skill points on it ever|||You can circumvent that anyway, by wearing a +iron golem wand while respeccing, as a skill level reduction or loss of boost skills or synergies won't have an influence on the strength of summons if already cast.

Respeccing might also unsummon everything, however. Maybe it's worth a try, but I have no tokens, none of my chars do Diablo runs :)|||Just to mention: iron Golem is "resummoned" every time you join the game, using skill levels you have when you enter the game, so dont bother making 80point iron golem build to respec into something else.

The question still stands, however.

It certainly DOES disappear when you do respec, but will +IG wand/head work? Will IG charges (I think there is a ring or weapon rw with IG charges) work? I cant try it right now, as I have pretty valueable item on IG slot at the moment.|||Metalgrid has Iron Golem charges.

If respecing unequips and re-equips the gear, it will also prevent the str bug to work on it. That might be an indirect method to find out what happens to golems or summons in general.

Somebody has to try it .|||Respeccing does not re equip gear. I have done it wearing a MP enigma, and it stays usable with no points in str, and not enough charms it anything else. I may try the ig one later, I've got a necro I can respec, and I hopefully have a +if wand or head.|||i want to use this thread and ask you if somebody has an idea what's the level (and dmg) of ow started by iron golem. i like it, it's very cool iron golem with ow, blind target, hit cause monster to flee or slowing enemies, kb...but as for dmg of ow i dont know. and to find, it i think its necessary to test it, and i din't realize this yet. has someone any piece of info about it? i can't believe that ow lvl is the same as lvl of iron golem what is very poor...

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