Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is the AR % correct?

So I've been bored with SC2 lately and have picked up D2 for the first time in 8 years or so and had a question regarding Attack Rating. I have a single player barbarian and I feel like my hit percentage is much lower than what it says on the stats sheet. Sometimes it takes 5 swings to finally hit an enemy even though the AR says 80% chance to hit. I've heard that latency can cause this sometimes, but I'm not playing online with this character. Is there some technique I don't know about? Because sometimes I hit the enemy just fine and other times it takes way too many swings making my hit percentage sigificantly lower than what it says it should be.

Thanks!|||The fine folks in the Statistics forum could probably help you a great deal. I'm more of a game experience guy than a stats guy. I believe the range of your weapon may have something to do with it. When levelling my Single Player Frenzy barb, I noticed I would sometimes be swinging and missing multiple times, until I repositioned myself slightly closer to the targeted critter. May be worth a shot. I'm sorry I'm not of more help, and welcome you to the forums!

Edit: I noticed it most when using dual Bloodletters, which have a range of 1.|||Ya I've noticed that. I just don't get why my barb would naturally orient himself so far away. Plus when he is far away he can still sometimes hit, just the percentage is a lot lower and the enemies still hit even though their weapons are shorter. I guess I just have to get used to repositioning. I'm actually pretty happy there won't be AR in D3

Thanks for the welcome! I was expecting these forums to be more active, though I'm sure that'll change once the beta comes out |||Range 1 weapons sometimes cause the problem of not being close enough, even if you click directly on your enemy. Try pressing ctrl while clicking, for a more precise placement of your charater. When you are close enough, click on the monster normally. I would recommend a weapon with a bigger range, however. Range 2 is OK for frenzy. For WW or in PvP, range 3 would be better.

Apart from that, you have to hit the enemy (at which you have a 80% chance) and then the enemy must fail at blocking the hit. Many of them aren't that good at blocking, but a few have a good chance. The chance to block cannot be reduced by any means.|||Quote:

but a few have a good chance.

Some good blockers, from personal experience:

- melee skeletons

- Doom Knights

- melee rogues (those with axe + shield)

- melee desert cats

- Fallen types (those with shield, not the torch carriers)|||Quote:

Some good blockers, from personal experience:

- melee skeletons

- Doom Knights

- melee rogues (those with axe + shield)

- melee desert cats

- Fallen types (those with shield, not the torch carriers)

I'm glad you pointed that out because I was getting extremely frustrated earlier today with those skeletons and desert cats (I'm in nightmare Act 2). And even when I stun them they still manage to dodge/block half of my attacks :S

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