Thursday, April 12, 2012

Old school vet coming back; question about crafting

[:1]Hey guys,

5+year diablo vet way back from the mass duped 1.09 days here Trying to scrounge my way up to relevance untwinked and having a real good time so far.

I do have a question or two about high level crafting though. Right before I quit I remember I was massing pamethysts/rubies to make caster rings/amulets and blood gloves/rings etc. Are they still the gold standard for endgame gear in general? Also, is there a guide on how the crafting works somewhere? I remember there were all sorts of "i have to be level X and the amulet has to be ilvl Y before you can get desirable mod Z etcetc" mathcraft but I don't exactly recall the details from years ago. If anyone can help me out here that'd be much appreciated!|||Well, the ilvl for a crafted item is clvl/2 + ilvl/2. Rounded down in both cases.

I use this page to see at what ilvls the different item types can get certain affixes.|||and on your other question as crafting meterials are actually consumed theres always a market for them.

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