Thursday, April 12, 2012

Starting again after a few years

[:1]Hi guys! Wanted to try playing d2 again after some years and was wondering if playing as a sorc is good for a new character

Also, would like to know if there are benefits in non-ladder characters; also would like to play TCP/IP with you guys or something like that (Though I dunno if there's anyone on Gateway Asia?)

Thanks, would love to hear your replies|||Welcome! A sorc is a very good first character - the meteorb build is popular, with Fie Ball and Frozen Orb doing most of the killing. If you don't mind having to teleport past Cold Immunes, a Blizzard sorc can do very well running Mephisto and the Ancient Tunnels for items.

I prefer to play Single Player myself, and have multi-played via TCP/IP many times. There is an MP sub-forum in the Single Player Forum devoted to setting up this type of game.

Best of luck to you!|||Great! Now at least I know what to build of my sorcy after numerous browsing through threads and guides|||I love Fie ballers!

Even though, I just respected my light soso to a metorb, and am dissapointed .

If you are playing by yourself, play SP (If you're wanting to tcp/ip, I guess you are).

soso's are great starters. Any of them will work, honestly. Since you already decided what you'd make, have fun with it!

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