Monday, April 16, 2012

Question on item sockets and runeword items!

Okay, I've never used runewords before. I've got a single player Summoning Necromancer, currently in nightmare Act 1. I'm bored so I want to make a Lore helm and Spirit crystal sword.

First Question, does Larzuk add 1 socket, or does he add the full amount of sockets the item can have? For example if I give him an ordinary crystal sword, will he give it 1 socket or 4 sockets?

Second Question, assuming Larzuk gives the full amount of sockets. The Spirit runeword is 4 runes - if I put those 4 runes into a 6 socketed item, will it still make Spirit? Or does the item have to have the exact amount of sockets?

Third Question, I know that I'll have to find a crystal sword with ilvl of 26-40 to get 4 sockets. Where can I find a crystal sword with ilvl of 26-40? I've been told that you can find them in Normal mode cow level. Is that true? And where else? I'm willing to do Nightmare Countess runs to find one.

And should I wait for a ilvl 41+ crystal sword with 6 sockets, make it Spirit and add two perfect gems (if that's possible?) Lol that would be epic. Anyway, I know there's lots of questions, and it would really help if someone could clear all this up for me! Thank you.|||Don't know all the answers to your questions but, for #1 I am about 99% sure that the Larzuk quest gives you full amount of sockets available on the item depending on its ilvl.

#2 You can't make a runeword that requires 4 sockets in a 6 socket item and have the 2 spare sockets for whatever you want. You need the exact amount of sockets for your runeword.

#3 I have no idea.|||Can you make a Spirit in a v1.13 single player game? =O Or are they ladder/ multiplayer only?|||That I don't know. Never played single player, sorry.|||Yep a CS from cows gets 4os. I'd run that, should't take you long to get one.

And no, you can't straight away make a Spirit in SP. There is a runeword mod though, and its accepted by the community here so that shouldn't be a problem|||Or just play along in NM. Items that drop with sockets in NM have a cap at 4. I see 4-socketed Crystal Swords and Broad Swords drop there quite often.

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