Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grand Charms

not exactly a newcomer, but a question nonetheless (not knowing where to post elsewhere):

i'm running nihlatak with my summoner, doing full clears in halls of pain, and i'm finding a big load of crappy grand charms. Should these be kept for rerolling purposes? I mean, i believe halls of pain is a level 84 area, most charms i'm finding would have 84 as an itemlevel too; but they are not baal/dia/nihla gc's, and they are neither midlevel gc's strictly for skiller rolling.

Is there any purpose for these things? I could fill a mule or two a day with what I'm finding now.|||sell them to charsi

keep only the nih/dia/baal ones for rerolling skill with 40+life

there are better ones for rolling skillers

(ones from nm late act3 have higher odds for skills)|||Allright, exactly what I thought but thank you for confirming it. Saves me alot of space I guess!|||Well you could always use a TC87 charm... It's not like you are going to get a 40+lifer in a little while.

Ps. I love your avatar |||There is nothing like a TC87 charm. Only armors and weapons are in what's commonly called TC87 (which is a simplification BTW). GCs are in a different TC, one which is available even at the lowliest places of the game. You probably mean GCs with an item level of 91 or higher, called Baal GCs (even though it also includes GCs from Nihlathak and Diablo).

As soon as you have a GC like that, use that one for rerolling. If you roll up anything with 41 or more life, it's a proof that it really is a Baal GC (which increases their sale value, in case you have too many of them), so continue with rerolling others if you have them.|||okay lol what I meant with tc87 was Ilv87 xD|||You actually need an ilvl of 91 or higher for the 41+ life affix . Whatever, that's close to nitpicking, as we agree that only Diablo, Nihlathak and Baal can produce these GCs.|||Also it's not really that hard to get one, in ladder they're pretty cheap and in sp you just run them couple of hours.

The hard part is to preserve your sanity while spending +1000 pgms in rerolling them.

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