It is NOT a replacement for reading the instructions

Other additional links
Brief overview of bnet chat commands - There is a more detailed description here in the Community Forum Stickies
Account closed codes IE why you just got banned
* 0 - C *
5% - generally relats to +5% all resistances small charms
7% - usually refers to a 7% magic find small charm
1337 - Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An over used terrm now usually used to make fun of someone.
0.8/0.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 - Patches. Many changes have varied the way the game has been played. The SPF FAQ has a good explanation of version differences
10 chars - All posts need 10 characters to be able to be posted. The poster is making up the numbers
1H - one-handed weapon
2H - two-handed weapon
3/20/20 - small charm that adds 3 to maximum damage, 20 to AR and 20 to life
3d/4d Shield - A socketed shield with 3/4 perfect diamonds in it giving you 57%/76% resistance to all.
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 - Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5
AB (Abasin) - Amazon Basin. An online community of knowledgeable players spanning many games.
abc/ddd - abc being the game name - ddd is the password
AC - armour class
afaic - As far as I'm concerned.
afaics - As far as I can see.
afaik - As far as I know
afk - Away From keyboard
Ali Baba - Blade of Ali Baba Exceptional Unique Tulwar that gives MF and GF based on character level.
alvl - Affix Level or area level
Ama/Azn/zon - Amazon.
Amp - Amplify Damage. Necro curse to reduce enemies' resistance to physical damage. Also available as charges on some items
Amu (Ammy) - Amulet
Ancients - The Three Ancients in Act 5.
Andy - Andariel. Act 1 super unique monster.
Anni - Annihilus (the one and only unique small charm)
AoE - Area of Effect. A spell that targets an area.
AoKL - arm of king leroic tomb wand
AR - Attack Rating.
Arach - arachnid mesh belt. Unique belt that gives +1 skills
Arkaine's (Ark) - Arkaine's Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
Arreat's - Arreat's Face Unique Slayer Guard.
AS - Arreat Summit.'s/Blizzard's official website for D2.
ASAP - As soon as possible.
Asn/asa/assy/sin - Assassin.
Atlantean - The Atlantean Exceptional Unique Ancient Sword.
Atm - At the Moment.
ATMA - Single player muling utility, that includes a very useful drop calculator
Atma's - Atma's Scarab Unique Amulet.
AW - The Ancients' Way in Act 5. (Bnet) - Battle Net. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II.
B/O - Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill
BA - Bone Armor (necromancer skill)
BA - Blessed Aim (paladin skill)
Baba (Barb) - Barbarian.
Bane - Gladiator's Bane Elite Unique Wire Fleece
Baranar's (Banana) - Baranar's Star Elite Unique Devil Star.
Bartuc's (Barts) - Bartuc's Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
Basher - The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - Be back soon
BC (BCom) - Battle Command. A Barbarian warcry to increase skill levels.
BC (BCry) - Battle Cry. A Barbarian warcry to decrease an enemy's damage and defense
BF (BFury) - Blade Fury. An Assassin Trap Tree skill.
BF - Bloody Foothills
BG - Blood Golem
BH - Blessed Hammer (paladin skill)
Big D - Diablo
BIN - Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.
BK - Bul-Kathos (unique ring/barbarian set)
Blk - Block.
bm - bad manners. Indicating a PvP ruleset
BO - Battle Orders
BoI - Blades of Ice.
boost - rush
BoS - Burst of Speed
BotD - Breath of the Dying. A v1.10 Runeword.
Bp - Breakpoint. A mark at which something improves.
BP - Bone Prison (necromancer skill)
Brb - Be right back.
Brt - Be right there.
BS (BSentinel) - Blade Sentinel. an Assassin skill on the Trap tree.
BS (BShield) - Blade Shield. an Assassin skill on the Trap tree.
BS (BSpear) - Bone Spear. A Necromancer attack skill.
BS (Bspirit) - Bone Spirit. A Necromancer attack skill.
B-Star - Barnard's star (unique mace)
Btc - Back to channel.
BTS - Blizzard Technical Support.
btw - By the way
Burrito (Buriza) - Buriza-Do Kyanon Exceptional Unique Ballista
BvB - Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.
BvC - Barbarian v Caster (pvp)
BW - Bone Wall. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree
C/C - Claw/Claw. Refers to an Assassin wielding dual claws
C/O - Current Offer. Used in trading items.
C/S - Claw/Shield. Refers to an Assassin using a claw and shield.
CA - Chilling Armor. A Sorceress skill on the Cold tree.
Cat 2 - Catacombs Level 2 in Act 1.
CB - Charged Bolt. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
CB - Crushing Blow.
CB - Colossus Blade. Elite Sword.
CB - Charged Bolt (sorceress skill)
CBF - Cannot be frozen.
CBS - Charged Bolt Sentry. Assassin Trap Tree skill.
CCB - Cruel Colossus Blade.
CCS - Cruel Colossus Sword
CD (CDam, CDmg) - Cold Damage
CE - Cold Enchanted.
CE - Corpse Explosion. A Necromancer attack skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
CG - Clay Golem.
Cg (grats) gz - Congratulations.
Chan? - Go to channel.
Char - Character.
chippies - chipped gems
CI - Cold Immune.
CKN (Chu) - Chu-ko-nu. Often refers specifically to the Demon Machine Exceptional Unique Chu-ko-nu Crossbow
CL - Chain Lightning. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
Closed - Closed Online play with characters saved on a Server.
clvl - Character Level.
CM - Claw Mastery.
CM - Cold Mastery. Sorceress Cold tree skill.
CM - Community Member
CM - Council Member
CO - Current Offer
CoA - crown of Ages unique item
CoH - Chains of Honor
Conc - Concentrate/ion (paladin aura/Barbarian skill)
Conv - Conviction. A Paladin offensive aura to reduce enemy resistances.
Coop (Co-op) - Co-operative play.
CoS - Cloak of Shadows.
CoT - Claws of Thunder
CP - Crystalline Passage in Act 5.
CR (CRes) - Cold resistance.
Cranium (C basher) - The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.
Crest - Harlequin Crest Elite unique Shako
Crit - Critical Strike.
CRM-Colour Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes any colour
CS - Crystal sword
CS - Critical Strike.
CS - Colossus Sword.
CS - Cobra Strike
CS - Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4
CtA - call to arms (runeword)
CtC - chance to cast
CTH - Chance to Hit.
CU - Cursed
Cube - The Horadric Cube
CV - colossus voulge
cya - See you.
* D - G *
D - Diablo
D/A/E - Dodge/Avoid/Evade. Trio of Amazon defensive skills from the Passive and Magic skill tree.
D2 - Diablo II
D2C - Diablo 2 classic.
D2M - Damage to Mana
D2X - Lord of Destruction Diablo 2 expansion.
Dam - Damage
DC - Dragon Claw. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.
DC (D Clone) - Diablo Clone.
DD - Don't die
Decrep - Decrepify. A Necromancer curse that slows and weakens.
Def - Defense
Desynch - refers to desynchronizing with the server. That way, you appear to be somewhere other than your actual location on the opponent's screen. It is usually done by some form of very rapid movement, such as a paladin constantly charging around. Note that instant movement (such as teleport) won't do this.
DEX - Dexterity.
DF - Dragon Flight. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.
DL - deadline in a trade EG DL10 = 10 hours before close
dii - A D2 reference and forum site - #1 Fan site of Diablo 2 and a source of vast information.
diii - A D2 reference and forum site - #1 Fan site of Diablo 2 and a source of vast information.
ding - Player announcing they've just leveled
DIS - Desperately in search of
DKK - Don't Kill King (cow king)
Dmg - Damage
Doombringer (Doom) - Doombringer Elite Unique Champion Sword
DOT - Damage Over Time.
DPA - Damage Per Attack.
DPS - Damage Per Second.
DR (DR%) - Damage Reduced. Items with this mod reduce physical damage.
Dropping (of items) - The act of entering a game to present any player in that game with items as freely given gifts, to be distributed among the players in the game as they see fit.
Dru - Druid.
DS - Deadly Strike.
DS - Death Sentry. A skill on the Assassin's Traps Tree.
DT - Dragon Tail. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.
dupe - an item which has been duplicated. This forum doesn't condone them so don't ask
DOH - Durance of Hate
Durry - Duriel
Dvd - Damage versus Demons.
Dvm - Defense versus missiles.
Dvu - Damage versus Undead.
dweb - deaths web unearthed wand
Eagle (Eaglehorn) - Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
eBotD - Ethereal breath of the dying
ED - Enhanced Defense. A mod that increases defense on an item.
ED/IAS - Enhanced Damage/IAS. Typically refers to a rare combination of mods on a jewel.
EF - Extra Fast.
eg - exempli gratia (Latin). Used to mean 'for example'.
EIAS - Effective Increased Attack Speed.
ENE (ENG. ERG) - Energy.
ES - Extra Strong.
ES (e-shield) - Energy Shield. Sorceress lightning tree defensive skill
ETF - European Trade Forum.
Eth - Ethereal.
exp - Experience
Eye (EoE) - Eye of Etlitch Unique Amulet
EZPK - easy player kill, killing another player usually by ambushing them
FA - Freezing Arrow. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow skill tree.
FA - Frozen Armor. A Sorceress skill on the Cold Tree.
Face - Arreat's Face Unique Slayer Guard
Fana - Fanaticism. A Paladin offensive aura to increase attack speed and physical damage
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.
FB - Fireball. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
fb - Fire Bolt. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
FB - Fire Blast. Assassin Trap tree skill.
FBR - Faster block rate
FC - Fire Claws. A Druid shape shifting skill
FCR - Faster cast rate.
FD (FDam, FDmg) - Fire damage.
FE - Fire enchanted
FG - Fire Golem
FHR - Faster Hit Recovery
FI - Fire Immune.
FI - Find Item. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.
Fishy(mancer) - Summoner necro. Nightfish wrote the guide.
Fists - Magefist Unique Light Gauntlets
Flaming - Making a personal attack or insulting remark, intended to incite anger.
Flavie - Single player reporting system that uses ATMA information and reports what sets/uniques/runes/gems the player has
FM - Fire Mastery. Sorcerees Fire Tree skill.
FN - Frost Nova. Sorceress cold tree attack skill
FO - Frozen Orb. Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
FoF - Fists of Fire. An Assassin attack skill on the martial arts tree
FoH - Fist of the Heavens. An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.
Forge - Hell forge quest in act IV. Hell can drop up to a Hel to Gul
Fpa - Frames per Attack
FPS - Frames per second (command needed /fps)
FR - Feral Rage. A Druid shape shifting skill.
FR (FRes) - Fire Resistance.
Frosties (Frosts) - Frostburn Unique Gauntlets.
FRW - Faster Run/Walk.
FT - For trade or Fast Trade (BIN) depending on realm
FTW - for the win
FW - Firewall. Sorceress fire tree attack skill
FWIS - For what it is worth.
FYI - For your information.
GA - Guided Arrow
Gaze - Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm
GC - Grand Charm
Geddon - Armageddon. A Druid Elemental Tree skill.
GF - Grandfather (sword)
gfi - Go for it
gg - good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean good gear. Anything good really

Gheed's - Gheed's Fortune Unique Grand Charm
Gj - Good job.
Gl - Good luck.
Gm - Golem Mastery.
GMB - grand matron bow
gosu - godly or awesome. Very good
Grail - players attempting to get one of each set/unique in the game. Usually associated with single player because of ATMA
grush - glitched rush where a level one character can get to hell. Usually to level at Uber Trist
Grandfather (gf) - The Grandfather Elite Unique Colossus Blade. D Spirit of Barbs. Gris' _______ - Piece of Griswold's Legacy set. Made for the Paladin.
GS - Glacial Spike. Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
GS - Glacial Spike. Sorceress cold tree attack skill
GSA - Goldstrike Arch Exceptional Unique Gothic Bow
gtg - Good to go (or Got to go)
Gull - Gull Unique Dagger.
GW - Grim Ward. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.
* H - K *
H - Hell. Third and last difficulty of Diablo 2.
Harley - Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako
HB - Holy Bolt. A Paladin combat skill.
HC - High Council (uniques found in the Travincal Act3, Durrance of hate lvl 3 Act3 and Worldstone Keep lvl 3)
HC - Hard Core. One death and game over
HCMTF - Hit Causes Monster to Flee.
Hellslayer - Hellslayer Elite Unique Decapitator
Heph - Hephasto the Armorer. Act 4 super unique monster.
HF - Holy Freeze. A Paladin offensive aura to chill enemies.
HoBL - Hand of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter
HoJ - Hand of Justice. A v1.10 Runeword.
Homunculus - Homunculus Unique Hierophant Trophy
Hork(ing) - Using the Barbarian skill Find Item on corpses of slain enemies can yield items, dubbed horking.
Horn (Eaglehorn) - Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
Hot - Warning that a portal is dangerous to enter
HotO - Heart of the Oak. A v1.10 Runeword.
HoW - Heart of Wolverine. A Druid summoning skill
HoZ - Herald Of Zakarum Unique Gilded Shield.
HP - Hit Points.
HR - high rune - definitions vary, depending on the realm
HS - Holy Shield. A Paladin combat skill to boost shield characteristics.
HS - Holy Shock.
i.e. - That is (id est in Latin).
IAS - Increased Attack Speed/Initial Attack Speed
IB - Ice Blast. An attack skill on the Sorceress' Cold Tree.
IBS - Invisible Bone Spirit. Bone spirit no longer becomes visible if off screen. Hazard in duels. Contact your local Necro for more details.
ID - Identify.
IG - Iron Golem
IIRC - If I recall correctly
IK _______ - Piece of Immortal King's Set. Made for Barbarians.
IK Maul - Immortal King's Stone Crusher Set Ogre Maul
Ilvl - Item Level.
IM - Iron Maiden. A Necromancer Curse.
IMHO - In my humble/honest opinion.
Immo - Immolation Arrow. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree
IMO - In my opinion
Ind - Indestructible.
Inv - Inventory.
Ire - Skullder's Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor
IS - Iron Skin. A Barbarian mastery to increase defense
ISO - in search of
ITD - Ignore Target's Defense
Izzy - Izual. Act 4 super unique monster.
j/k - Just kidding.
Jalal's - Jalal's Mane Unique Totemic Mask
k - Okay
kk - ok
KA - Kick bum*(sensored)
KB - Knockback|||* L - N *
L - Ladder. (Usually seen in trade Forums)
l337 - Elite
LA - Leap Attack.
LC - Large Charm
LCS - Lying Character Screen. When the Character screen shows you incorrect statistics
LD (LDam, LDmg) - Lightning damage.
LE - Lightning Enchanted.
Leeching - Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game)
LEB - Lightning enchanted boss
Leech - Life or Mana steal.
legit - legitimate item, not a dupe
LEM - Lightning Enchanted monster
LF - Lightning Fury. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree
LHC - ladder hard core
LI - Lightning immune
Lid D (Little D) - Duriel. A Super Unique in Act 2.
Lidless - Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield
Lightsabre - Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade
lit - Leg in town
LK - Lower Kurast. Good for gems/skillers and runes.
LL - Life Leech.
LL - Lurker Lounge. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.
LLD - Low level dueling
LM - Lightning Mastery. Sorceress Lightning Tree skill.
lmao - laughing my rear off
LoD - Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion.
LoH - Laying of Hands Disciple Set Bramble Mitts
LOL - Laughs out loud
LR - Lower Resist. Necro curse to reduce enemies' Cold/Fire/Lightning/Poison resistance.
LR - Lightning resistance
LS - Lightning Strike. A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree
LSC - ladder soft core
LTB - Looking to Buy
LTT - Looking To Trade
Lvl - Level
Lyc - Lycander's Aim Unique Ceremonial Bow
MA - Martial Arts. Usually a description for an Assassin type of build, or reference to one of the Assassin skill trees.
Manald - Manald Heal Unique Ring.
Mara's - Mara's Kaleidoscope Unique Amulet.
Mat - Matriarchal bow
Mav's _______ - Piece of M'avina's Battle Hymn set. Made for the Amazon.
Max - Maximum
MB - Mana Burn.
MB - Mind Blast. An Assassin Shadow Disciplines Skill.
MB - Molten Boulder. A Druid Elemental tree skill.
MD (MDam, MDmg) - Magic Damage.
Meph - Mephisto. Act 3 super unique monster.
Merc - Mercenary.
MF - Magic Find.
MFSC/SMFC - Magicfind Small Charm/Small Magicfind Charm
MI - Magic Immune.
MiC - Meet in Channel (also MiP
Min - Minimum.
ML - Mana Leech
mlvl - Monster Level.
Mod - Modifier. Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charm.
Mod - Moderator. A member responsible for moderating a forum or channel.
Mod - Modified game version of diablo 2. (allowing varied game play of an old favorite)
Moron - Mercernary
Moser's - Moser's Blessed Circle Exceptional Unique Round Shield
MP - Market Place. Trading site for D2 at
MP - Multi -Player.
MP - Mana Points.
MPK - Mana per kill
MR - Magic Resistant.
MS - Multiple Shot. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree
MS - Multi -Shot. A mod available to boss monsters
msg - message
MSLE (MSLEB) - Multi -Shot Lightning Enchanted.
Mules - characters on the realms to hold additional items
Muling - moving items from one character to another for storage or onto a character to be used. Either mules or ATMA (single player only)
N00b - Newbie. Newcomer to the game. (generally used as an insult)
Nat's _______ - Piece of Natalya's Odium set. Made for the Assassin.
nbd - No big deal
NDE - Near Death Experience (when a character JUST manages to escape a very dangerous situation)
Necro - Necromancer
Nerf - Generally refers to spells or weapons that have their effectiveness reduced in a patch.
Newb - Newbie. Newcomer to the game. (often used as an insult)
NG - New Game/Next Game
nking - naked killng. IE killing someone retrieving their body
NL - non -ladder (also NLSC, NLHC [see HC, SC#2])
NM - Nightmare. The second level of difficulty in Diablo II.
Nm (nvm) - Never mind.
Norm - Normal. Usually refers to the first level of difficulty in Diablo II.
No -Twink (Untwinked) - No -twink groups and players use and equip only what they find in no -twink play. No items are brought into no -twink play from outside games or sources.
NP - No Problem.
NPC - Non -Player Character. Ec
NR - Natural Resistance. A Barbarian mastery to increase resistance to magic damage
Nr=Nt - No Response means No Thanks.
NRG - Energy
NTC - No Title Char for acquiring SoJs in classic CS
NTPP - New Traders Probationary Period. See SPTF Rules for details
* O - Q *
Oak - Oak Sage. A Druid summoning skill
Oks - Oblivion Knights (also "OK")
Occy (Occu) - The Oculus Unique Swirling Crystal.
OK - Oblivion Knight
OMG - Oh my god
Open - Open Online play with characters saved on your computer. These are not considered legit in the SPF
orb - frozen orb
orgset - organ set
os - open socket
OT - Off Topic
OTF - Off -Topic Forum
OTOH - On the other hand
OW - open wounds (more used than 'wounds')
P/B - Necromancer's Poison and Bone skill tree.
PB -phase blade
PA - perfect amethist
Pallyy - Paladin
Pand - Pandemonium Fortress.
Parked/parking - having a monster follow you to a certain point and then runing away fast enough to leave it there
PC - Price Check. This means they want to know how much something is worth
PC - Poison Creeper. A Druid Summoning Tree skill.
Pcombat/Pcomb/PC Skiller - Paladin combat skill charm
PD (PDagger) - Poison Dagger. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
PD (PDam, PDmg) - Poison Damage.
PDR - Physical Damage Reduction
pdsc - Poison damage small charm
PE - Poison Explosion. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
perm - a FAKE way of making a duped item not poof. They don't work, don't ask
perm a game: holding a game open for five minutes so it says there when you leave. Often used for muling
PG (PGems) - Perfect Gems
PH - Psychic Hammer. An Assassin skill on the Shadow Disciplines Tree.
pi - physical or poison immune
Pindle - Pindle the monster accessible through the Portal next to Anya in Act 5
Pits - Pit in Tamae Highliand in Act 1. Start from Outer Cloister and follow the road.
PJ (PlJ) - Plague Javelin. An Amazon skill on the Javelin and Spear skill tree.
PJ (PoiJ) - Poison Javelin. An Amazon skill on the Javelin and Spear skill tree.
PK - Player killing. Usually associated with ambushing players to kill them. Not to be confused with PvP.
PKK - Player Killer Killer. A player who kills player killers.
PMH - Prevent Monster Heal
PN(ova) - Poison Nova. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
poof - have an item disappear
Porter - Teleporting Boss.
Pots - Potions
PP - Party please.
pr - poison resist
PR - perfect ruby
PR (PRes, PsnRes) - Poison resistance.
PS - Phoenix Strike.
PS - Perfect Skull.
PSa - perfect sapphire
Psn - Poison.
PT - perfect topaz
Purist - Characters who only use items they found themselves. No trading, transfering of items from other characters, or Magic Finding.
PvM - Player versus Monster.
PvP - Player v Player. Agreed duelling. Not to be confused with PK.
PW - Password.
QFT - quoted for truth; what s/he said is correct
qlvl - quality level
* R - T *
r - Ready. This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.
R/W - Run Walk
read -usually in trade games EG UM 4 read means for details read the description
Reaver (Messy Reaver) - Messerschmidt's Reaver Elite Unique Champion Axe
Rec - Recovery.
Regen - Regeneration.
Rejuv - Rejuvenation Potion.
Req - Requirement.
Res - Resistance.
rl - Real life
Rlvl - Required Level
RoF - River of Flame in Act 4.
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
RRM : Red Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes read
RS - Raise Skeleton. A Necromancer summoning skill.
RRM:Rune Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes red
RWM:Rune Word Mod - Single Player utility that enables Realm only runewords
RtM - Read the Manual
run - to repeatedly kill monsters in a certain area or boss
Rushing - A low level character getting pushed through levels of the game by a much higher level character, where the lower character could not play effectively alone.
S/E - Save and exit. Usually to avoid an untimely death. Considered poor form in some circles, usually Hardcore
S/S - Sword/Shield.
SA - Shiver Armor. A Sorceress Cold skill.
Sc - Small charm.
SC - Soft Core
Schaefer's - Schaefer's Hammer Elite Unique Legendary Mallet.
script - descriptions, usually in trade games EG UM 4 script means for details read the description
SD - Shadow Disciplines. One of the Assassin skill trees.
Sec - Hang on a second
SF - Static Field. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
SH (Spec) - Spectral Hit
Shaft - Shaftstop Exceptional Unique Mesh Armor.
Shako - Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako. (Technically, a Shako is the entire class of elite Shako helms, but the term almost always refers to its Unique version.)
Silks - Silks of the Victor Unique Ancient Armor
Sin (Sinner) - Assassin.
Single Passs : going through the game without re -running an area
Skiller - Grand charm with +1 skill tree
Skullder's - Skullder's Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
slivering - taking a moster down to the bare minimum of health before killing. Usually using static in normal
Slow - Slows Target. Item mod that slows enemies
Slvl - Skill Level
SM - Skeleton Mage. A Necromancer summoning skill.
SM - Slow Missiles. A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree
SM (Master) - Shadow Master
SoE - String Of Ears (belt)
SoH - Standard of Heroes. When you defeat all 3 Ubers one will drop for each player in the game along with the Hellfiretorch. It doesn't do anything
SoJ - Stone of Jordan Unique Ring.
Sorc (Soso, Socer) - Sorceress.
SP - Single Player. Usually refers to single -player mode of Diablo II
Sparky - Bremm Sparkfist. Super Unique in Act 3.
spdc - small poison damage charm
Spear - Bone Spear. A Necromancer attack skill.
Spec - Spectral Hit.
SPF - Single Player Forum
SPTF - Single Player Trade Forum
spider sash - Arachnid's Mesh (belt)
Spike - Wizardspike Elite Unique Bone Knife.
Spirit - Bone Spirit. A Necromancer attack skill
spirit packs : Tal, Thul, Ort, Amn plus (sometimes) Hel runes. To make the Spirit Runeword.
SPoints - Skill Points.
SS - Stone Skin.
SS (Storm) - Stormshield Elite Unique Monarch Shield
SS - Shape shifting (druid skill)
Stam - Stamina.
Storing - Transferring items from one in-game character to a character not in game.
Stormspire - Stormspire Elite Unique Giant Thresher
STR - Strength
Strat - Strategy.
String (SoE) - String of Ears Exceptional Unique Demonhide Sash.
SW - Shock Wave. A Druid shape shifting skill.
SW - Shock Web. An Assassin Trap Tree skill.
SW (Warrior) - Shadow Warrior.
Synch - refers to synchronizing with the server, thus going back to normal. Can be done through instant movements (teleportation, waypoints, portals).
T/O - Top Offer. Used in trading items.
Tal's ________ - Piece of Tal Rasha's Wrappings Set. Made for Sorceresses
Tarn - Tarnhelm Unique Skull Cap
TC - Treasure Class
TE (Tele) - Teleport. A Sorceress Skill on the lightning tree.
tft - t4t - thanks for that or thanks for trade
TG - Town Guarding. Hanging around outside town to kill anyone coming out. See PK.
TGod (TGV) - Thundergod's Vigor Exceptional Unique War Belt.
thx - Thanks
Tiamat's - Tiamat's Rebuke Exceptional Unique Dragon Shield.
Titan's - Titan's Revenge Unique Ceremonial Javelin
TK - Telekinesis. A Sorceress Skill on the lightning tree.
tking - town killing
Torch - Hellfire Torch (unique large charm)
TP - Trading Post
TP - Teleport. A Sorceress skill on the lightning tree.
TP - Town Portal
tppk - Town Portal Personnal Kill
Trang's _______ - Piece of Trang -Oul's Avatar set. Made for the Necromancer.
Transferring - Interchanging items between characters, including activites referred to as muling, twinking and storing.
Trav - Travincal in Act 3.
Trolling - Making provocative, controversial or offensive remarks, intended to create a confrontational response.
TS - Thunderstorm. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
TS - Tiger Strike.
ttyl - Talk to you later.
Tucs - Bartuc's Cut -Throat Unique Greater Talons
Twinked - Characters (usually low level or starting) using items they have been giving to make the early game much easier
Twitch - Twitchthroe Unique Studded Leather Armor
ty - Thank you.
tyt - Take your time.
tyvm - Thank you very much
* U - Z *
Uber - Awesome, Ultimate, Elite
UD - Uber Diablo
Ume's - Ume's Lament Unique grim Wand
Unid'd - Unidentified.
Untwinked - Characters using only what they find
Uped (Up'd. Upd) - Upgraded version of the item. Achieved with the Horadric Cube. Normal ->Exceptional ->Elite
USETF - United -States East Trade Forum.
Valk - Valkyrie. A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree.
Valor - Arkaine's Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin
Vamp - Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.
Vanilla: Single Player term means without mods
VIT - Vitality.
Vlld - Very low -level dueling.
W8 - Wait.
WB - WereBear. A Druid shape shifting skill.
WB - Weapon Block. An Assassin Shadow Disciplines Skills.
wb - Welcome back
WC - War Cry. A Barbarian warcry
Weap - Weapon.
WF - Windforce
Wizzy - Wizardspike Elite Unique Bone Knife.
WoF - Wake of Fire.
WoI - Wake of Inferno
Woot - w00t. Yippee!
Wote (WOE) - Wall of the Eyeless Unique Bone Shield
Wounds - Open Wounds.
WoW - World of Warcraft.
WP - Waypoint.
WSK (WK2) - Worldstone Keep Level 2 in Act 5.
WSM - weapon speed modifier or base weapon speed
WTF - What was that?! Or West Trading Forum.
WUG - "What you got?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you have to offer?"
WUW - "What you want?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you want for that item?"
WW - WereWolf. A Druid shape shifting skill.
WW - Whirlwind. A Barbarian and assassin combat skill.
WWS - Witchwild String Exceptional Unique Short Siege Bow.
Xbow - Crossbow.
Xfer - Transfer.
XP - Experience.
y - Yes
yw - You're welcome
Zerk - Berzerk. A Barbarian combat skill. (also berserker axe)
zerker - bezerker axe or bezerk skill user
zod'ed - an item socketed with the Zod Rune
Zon - Amazon.|||*Thread stuck*
Link to old thread:|||What is GMB?|||Grand Matron Bow.|||Thanks Evrae!|||Is it ok to post here? :hide:
If it is, what does Grush means? I see it everywhere.|||Glitched rush.|||Quote:
Glitched rush.
Ok so its when you come to hell at level 1-2 or so?|||Quote:
Ok so its when you come to hell at level 1-2 or so?
That's right
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