There is good info in the sticky at the top.
A couple of random points, since you didn't give much info:
`Make sure you are on /players1
`re-roll them with a tp scroll, they will spawn different mods every time, just find an easy group.
`put extra potions on the ground prior to the fight if you are running out.
`try to get them separated so you don't have to fight all 3 at once.
`keep your merc alive, not having their full wrath focused on you is a good thing.|||Are you playing on single player or closed bnet?
What's your equipment?
Where did you put the skill and stat points into?
Do you use battle orders (warcry)?|||The potions on the ground sounds like a great idea B)
As for equip...
Helm: Sigons
Body: Iceblink
Glove: Cleglaws
Hand 1: Cleglaws
Hand 2: Cleglaws
Boots: Sigons
Belt: Can't remember...
Amulet: Chromatic
Ring 1: can't remember
Ring 2: can't remember|||For god's sake, get better weapons! That might be a bit difficult on singleplayer, so maybe you should start a sorc and do a bit magic find at nightmare Mephisto and Andariel.
Where are your skill points in?|||Well, they aren't the worst weapons, at least they have scaling damage on them! And 50% DS is always nice. And the bonus to AR is also usable. But in reality you can probably buy some better weapons from Larzuk if you take a bit of time there. But yea, tell us your skills and we can maybe help you out some more.|||You will never, ever defeat the nightmare Ancients with them. Bonuses to deadly strike and attack rating won't do much if the regular damage is so low. You need a weapon which deals something like 100 damage to be successful at the end of nightmare (and much more in hell mode BTW, together with decent amounts of crushing blow (CB)).
Examples: Upped Steeldriver, upped Bonesnap, Butcher's Pupil, Headstriker. Additional CB can be gained from Guillaume's Helm, Goblin Toe boots or (preferred) Gorerider boots.|||Quote:
You will never, ever defeat the nightmare Ancients with them. Bonuses to deadly strike and attack rating won't do much if the regular damage is so low.
Don't make me do this just to prove you wrong!

He's rather skinny BTW, so it's not bad for him.|||Quote:
You will never, ever defeat the nightmare Ancients with them.
Hate to burst your bubble but I did beat them last night lol. With a barbarian hireling and the potions on the ground it was cake! I never knew that the hireling regenerated life that fast... I used the battle cry that lowers your enemies effectiveness. I also used a few poison grand charms. I know I need better weapons but haven't been able to find any good ones... Hoping to find some more runes ^_^
The sad part is that right when I finished off Korlic in the very end he hit me once more and I died

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