Monday, April 16, 2012

Did the Item dupe bug get fixed?

From the changelog:

Major Bugs

* Fixed an item dupe bug.

Is it safe to trade items for runes now, without risking them poofing/dissapearing?|||No, they fixed a bug, not a hack. Duping is still rampant, and I wouldn't expect that to change.|||On ladder Europe, HRs cost a lot of Ist runes now, so I don't think that duping is still rampant, but botting. Runes are significantly more likely to drop now, so maybe botting has just become more rewarding than duping.

On non-ladder there are still all the dupes from old times, so the situation is different there.|||I do agree that botting is the bigger issue now. You are likely right that botting is more rewarding, since blizz does not care about bots, and once you find items with bots they are 100% legit looking and never poof. Much smarter for HaXXors.|||So for the moment it should be safe trading items for runes on EU-Ladder? Have anyone of you had runes poofing on current ladder season?|||I'm on west haven't had any go poof as a side question if you got traded a dodgy ist or gul for example and used them with legit runes to mute a higher rune would your muted rune disappear cause that would not be fun |||No, if you cube up to the next rune, or make a runeword with them they will never poof.

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