I just joined the forum today and been playing D2 for about 6 months now, have 3 80+ characters on SP. Been farming for specific items and came across Gomule/Atma/RWM programs that I been using to make my experience more enjoyable.
I am a noob when it comes to trading on SP so is there a guide/sticky somewwhere that shows me step by step on how to trade in sp? I have looked around on the forums but haven't come across anything useful. Do I use Amta for trading or GoMule? I use Gomule as my primary stash for my characters and Atma for drop calc but thats pretty much all I use it for. I understand that you email the items from person to person but just need a starter to help me get up to speed.
I'd appreciate any help on this topic, thanks from a legit forthcoming trader!

Both ATMA and GoMule are accepted. I believe more people use GoMule than ATMA these days, as ATMA crashes if you have an essence. You just save the item you wish to trade to a stash or character (level one, of course), and e-mail it as an attachment. Thyiad is the Single Player Forum and Single Player Trade Forum moderator, and she's very helpful if you have any questions the thread I linked to can't answer. Best of luck to you!|||Hello.
There's a fix for ATMA to make it work in 1.13 made by Silospen here: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...&postcount=354
Also, the rules in SPF are very strict, so it's very easy to do something wrong and get a warning. You should pm Thyiad if you have questions after reading the stickies, she's very helpful and answers pms quickly.|||Ok thanks guys!

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